The quality management system has been implemented within Himprom, LLC since 2016, which corresponds to the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and guarantees the quality of manufactured goods and rendered services to all our customers.
ISO 9001 is a standard setting out the requirements to the quality management system. This helps companies and organizations to be more efficient in increasing their customer satisfaction.
The quality management system is a way to determine how a company may meet the demands of their customers and other interested parties, involved in its work. ISO 9001 was based on the idea of continuous improvement. It specifies, which goals shall be related with “quality” or “meeting customers’ demands”, but it demands that companies define those goals by themselves and that they continuously improve their performance to achieve them.
The system of quality management was introduced in Himprom, LLC since March 2018, as part of recertification audit, which corresponds to the international ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Himprom, LLC was certified in the TMS RUS, LLC – an exclusive representative of TUV SUD Group in the countries of EAEU. TMS RUS, LLC is a leader in the field of European and nationwide certification, management systems, independent expertise and audit in the field of production, engineering supervision and education.
In their activities, Himprom, LLC adheres to the following principles: